” Pug Puppy
Adoption Package “
It was a great experience working with Walk The Line. They were very informative and accomodating. We drove 3 hours North and they drove 5 hours South to meet us for our adoption. It was also wonderful that they offer a puppy kit, which saved me time and frustration looking for everything that I would need. WTL also provided a health binder with a wealth of pug information. This is my 2nd pug adoption process and I did not get near as much information where I got my first pug from. We adopted a black pug puppy and once we got him home, my Vet checked him out and said that he was in great health. Our “Mugsy” is also very good looking, which I already knew from all the pictures they provided. Mugsy went right to his potty pad the 1st day. He is an awesome addition to our family. If I ever adopt a pug again, I will only go to Walk The Line. They really care about their pugs. Once you adopt from them you become a part of the Walk The Line family because they continue to care! 3/20/2013
Louise & Rob R Manhasset, NY “Mugsy”s Mom
is a song by American rock band Creed. It was released on August 24, 1999 as the lead single from their second studio album, Human Clay. Vocalist Scott Stapp and long-time friend Steven Harang wrote the song about the power of lucid dreaming. “Higher” was Creed’s major breakthrough hit which helped to place them firmly in the American mainstream music scene.
If Interested, please start the Utube…, While you continue on below to read about the details of Walk The Line’s Comprehensive Pug Adoption Package and a brief Introduction into Responsible Pug Ownership.
The Official ESA Registration Of America…/
Register your dog, cat or other animal, get therapist letters, IDs, vests & more… What’s the difference between an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) and a Service Dog? Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are animals that provide therapeutic benefits to their owner through affection and companionship. A Service Dog is specially trained to perform a task to help someone with a disability. A seeing eye dog is one example of a Service Dog. Unlike a Service Dog, an emotional support animal does not need specialized training to handle a task. Further, Emotional Support Animals come in different breeds and animal types and are not just limited to dogs, while Service Animals are either dogs or mini horses.
INTRO: (Please Scroll Down The page A Ways To View The Adoption Pkge.)
Respectfully, if you are looking for a quick purchase based on either impulse or price alone, looking for an irresponsible or unearned Pug acquisition, or in your own mind already know that you are not time wise, physically, and/or financially able to provide a worthy Pug with an adequate environment and proper health care, then please restart your web search. Walk The Line Pug Ranch is not what you are looking for! Furthermore, please do not contact us and insult our many efforts to better the Pugs World by only asking the one question “How Much Are Your Pugs”. This type of inquiry is not worthy of a response! All of Walk The Line’s potential Pug Adoptive Parents must succumb to a comprehensive responsible and confidential Pug Ownership screening process. This involves a comprehensive Pug Ownership questionnaire which is an ease of use interactive and secure on line form that serves of great mutual benefit to everyone involved: Walk The Line; The Pug Adoptive Parents; and most of all Our Pug. Furthermore, establishing a Vetting Protocol case specific with your DVM or a WTL recommended DVM, is a must prior to an Pug Adoption coming to fruition. Most people have come to WTL, an well learned, experienced and reputable Pug Breeder, because you are not wanting to adopt from an inexperienced Breeder or worse yet a “puppy mill”. Walk The Line in turn, as being a responsible Pug Breeder, must also be assured that our Pugs are properly placed in responsibly prepared Pug Loving Homes.
Walk The Line is not a Quick Mart, not a K Mart, not a Stop & Shop, not a Convenience Store, certainly not a Pet Shop, and most definitely not a Puppy Mill! That said, don’t ask us to act like one! We do not promote our Pug Adoptions by having sales, discounts, specials, or any other type of Gimmicks or Promotions. However, considering the Comprehensive Pug Adoption Package and Healthy Pure Breed Exemplary Quality type of Pug that we provide, by the use of very selective and unique Ancient Chinese Breeding Methods, our Adoption fees are actually quite moderately priced compared to most anyone whom is truly a reputable Pug Breeder, and still even less than a deplorable Pet Store. WTL’S Unrivaled Comprehensive Pug Adoption Packages for certain Adolescents can begin in certain instances, as moderately low as $495.00 and sometimes even less for certain Pug Adults.
Walk The Line Pug Ranch has been very diligently researching, studying, and practicing Pug Anatomy, Breeding Methods, Health Care, Therapy Dog Training, and the overall Preservation of the Ancient Chinese Heritage of the Pug Breed since the year “2000”.
A WTL Adoption package begins with most importantly, the provision of a very healthy quality properly bred & well socialized PureBreed Pug. Our Pugs have been responsibly bred using a proven genetically positive “throwing”, Ancient Chinese “Breeding Method”. This method originally developed by the Chinese, has been used by them in China for thousands of years. For the History buffs out there, Ancient China is where the first known of Pugs originated. They were first dubbed as “Ha Pa’s” & also “Foo Dogs”. They were quite different looking than today’s Pug, being much larger and with a snoot. Originally ‘Ha Pa’s were bred for the use as hunting dogs for only the well to do Chinese Men Of Royalty.
However the Women of Chinese Royalty soon took on a liking to the Pug Breed preferably as lap dogs because of the Pugs striking personality. So hence the Pug became a Breed of desire and therefore a money making commodity, and the desire to change their appearance began to take place in Breeding Practices. News of their popularity with Royalty and value spread rapidly to Countries such as Holland, Great Britain, Portugal, The Netherlands, and across Europe. The Chinese and others such as the Dutch and the British worked diligently in an effort to enhance the Breed in order to improve the quality/durability as well as looks, and therefore increase the value of the Breed. Hence by means of primarily Dutch Traders the Pug was eventually introduced to the United States back at the end of our Civil War and was accepted as a recognized Pure Breed by AKC in 1885. It was not until 1931 however that “The Pug Club Of America” was formed and recognized as the official United States Parent Club for the Pug Breed. A complete History of the Pug is provided under our browser tab, “Pug History”.
Walk The Line Pug Ranch has intensely studied and has been successfully practicing this Ancient Chinese “Breeding Method” since the year “2000”. For a complete description of our “Breeding Method” and our exemplary quality and healthy Pug results, please go to our browser tab, “Pugs Of Distinction”.
Without Further Introduction, let’s move forward to the comprehensive list of what’s included in :
Standard Pure Breed Pug Puppy Adoption Package:
1] Pure Breed Pug: A Pure Breed Pug which has been properly bred, fully emotionally, nutritionally & hydration weaned, completely prepared for adoption, & is in exemplary quality health condition:
2] Adoption contract: A comprehensive mutually fair & legal Pug Adoption Contract which includes:
3] Health Guarantees on all Puppies & Adolescents:
4] All standard Vetting & General Health Care UTD:
5] Wellness Core Natural Grain Free Dog Food Starter: All of our Pug Adoptions of every age come with a twelve 12 pound supply of Wellness Core Pug Puppy chow or Adult chow case specific. As a result of all the tremendous anxiety that a Pug suffers through the adoption transfer & acclimation process, their regular eating, drinking, sleeping, & socializing habits are severely disrupted. Most concerning is keeping them eating & drinking normally as to not disrupt their bowel & potentially cause the #1 puppy killer which is Dehydration. This all being said, in order to best accommodate this, if we feel it necessary (pup specific), we mix each adopted Pugs adoption departure chow specifically catered to his/her particular needs & habits. This makes for the smoothest of adoption transitions & is also a part of your Health Guarantee Contract. The Chows foundation is the Wellness Core and we then would if required case specific, mix whatever other Canine chows, Human food supplements, vitamins, and/or whatever other certain ingredients are appropriate.
For a detailed dissertation on our Pug Chow recommendations, please see our web site browser tab “Pug Chow” & should you have any additional questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
6] AKC / UKC / NGKC Pug Puppy Registration Papers:
As a Reputable & Responsible Pug Breeder, it is part of the many tasks of our Pug World Industry for WTL to diligently keep UTD as best as we are able, with the current practices of: Breeding; DNA Studies; Veterinary Protocols; Inoculation, Deworming, & Parasite Prevention; AAHA Standards; General Pug Health Care; Pug Nutrition; Pug Training; Pug Rescue, Pug Adoption Protocols; Etc/
As of 8/19/2016, WTL will no longer be providing micro-chips already implanted in our Pugs, by either us, and/or any of our privately chosen & contracted Veterinarians or associates/ We strongly feel that there are currently overall benefits to our Pug by having made this decision & change of practice/ We will provide the AKC ReUnite micro-chip (not implanted) to the PAO’s that have already contracted with us that had the micro-chip included as a part of our comprehensive adoption package (free of charge)/ In the future, although we favor not to Micro-Chip our Pugs, WTL will continue to provide the PAO with the AKC ReUnite Micro-Chip (not already implanted) in our comprehensive Pug Adoption Packages/ Reason being, we encourage those Pug Adoptive Parents whom after doing their own diligence and discussing this subject with their own privately chosen Veterinarians, that do opt to have the Micro-Chip Implantation performed on the Pug, to use the AKC Re-Unite brand because our diligence opinion is that their chip manufacturer and tracking registry are currently better than all others/ The PAO is being strongly recommended to do your own diligence including internet research & by consulting with your own privately chosen Veterinarian in regards to the pros & cons regarding this procedure prior to having it done/ Also please remember that if you do elect to have the micro-chip implanted by your own chosen Veterinarian, you must send in the registration card to AKC ReUnite, which we also provide you, otherwise your Pug will not show up in the Registry if he/she ever does get lost or stolen/
WTL practices in most all legal & ethical aspects of the Pug World on a daily basis in order to benefit and promote the Pure Breed Pug as best as we are able/ Our daily endeavors over many years encompasses not only a compilation of our own opinion, learning, and experiences, but also the experiences that we learn from working with & along side Veterinarians & many others in the Pug World/ WTL has weighed the pros & cons of these experiences in regards to micro-chipping Pugs/ Our conclusion for many various reasons including: Low Percentage Detrimental Veterinary Risks; Non Standard Industry Micro-Chip Manufacturing & Tracking Standards; & The PAO’s High Percentage Of Neglect, (62%) of dog owners do not even register the micro-chips after implantation; Pugs should always be accompanied by a Human &/or an alert/alarm while indoors, and absolutely always should be accompanied by a Human while outdoors/ This being said, your Pug should never be susceptible to being lost or stolen!!! This gives us the overall conclusion at this time, to remain against the overall benefits of this procedure being performed to the Pug Breed/ We cannot divulge any specific Veterinary or other associate sources which have helped drive us to this conclusion by providing us certain Industry Statistics, however we would be happy to discuss this subject in further detail under general terms to any of those whom are of interest/
Please be advised that the “American Animal Hospital Association” which is the general guidelines that are practiced by most Veterinarians, & most “Humane Societies” still do at this time overall favor taking the certain risks of micro-chipping verses not micro-chipping, WTL does not! Just FYI
Please Find A Complete Explanation Of Micro-Chipping Further On Down The Page Thank you for your understanding & attention to this matter, Walk The Line!
8] Pug Puppy/Adolescent Basic Home Care Pug Starter Kits: Included in Every Pug Puppy Adoption As A Mandatory Option, Are (2) Comprehensive Pug Care Kits Which WTL Purchases The Contents & Assembles Case Specific, Including At A Minimum The Following Basics… There Is A One Time $150.00 Non-Refundable Fee For The Kit, Which Is Not Already Included As A Part Of The Pug Adoption Fee
(the contents included in these kits are essential to the Pugs general care, maintenance, food, hydration, etc., and are also to be an integral part of the PAO’s Emergency Evacuation Plan… furthermore the kits contents costs are substantially more than what WTL charges the PAO… WTL makes up the cost difference in order to ensure that Pug has these essentials included as a part of their properly prepared for Adoption send off)
Examples of various contents: (2) Travel Bags; Travel & Bed Blanket/s; Bath & Crate Towels; Wash Cloths; Rubber Gloves; Mineral Oil; Digital Thermometer; Tri-Biotic Ointment; Appropriate Kong Toy; Nail Clippers & File; Electronic Nail Grinder; Nose Butter; Bath Soap; Starter Food & Water Dishes; (4) Gallons Water; (12#) Wellness Core Puppy Chow; Microwave Pyrex Container W/Lid; Hydrogen Peroxide; Q-tips; Cotton Balls; Eye Ointment; Vaseline; Scissors; Handy Tool;Bandage; Alcohol Swabs; Iodine; Case Specific Other Basic Medical/Food Supplies As Required; Etc….. This is our standard basic puppy starter kit.
(Complete kits are optionally available at additional cost basis fees , which include many additional items such as a home crate, travel crate. play pen, litter box, additional general care, bath, & medical supplies, etc.)
9] Free Delivery: Free Delivery of your Pug can be provided within appx. a two hour radius from Walk The Line for certain Handicapped Individuals & certain other special circumstance, (case specific). Delivery throughout NE/US is potentially also available (case specific) for .75c per mile additional. We will not ship a Pug unattended without either a Walk The Line Representative, or a Pug Adoptive Parent Representative, accompanying the Pug during transit, including Airplanes. All adoptions have to be an in person hand to hand exchange between one of or all of the authorized Pug Adoptive Parents and a qualified representative of Walk The Line.
10] Pug Health Care Dissertation: Our Professional Comprehensive Veterinary Trained Pug Health Care verbal dissertation provided at the time of the adoption. We go over the basic Pug Health Care Recommendations & provide you whatever time that you require in order to ask any further information, discuss more in depth details on any specific concerns, etc.
11] Comprehensive Pug Vetting, Pug General Pug Health Care, & General Pug Information Package: This is a very complete Pug health care and general Pug information package. Much of the information is manufactured and/or compiled by us, by drawing from our comprehensive Pug related practice & experience since the year (2000). The rest is manufactured and assembled by other 3rd party affiliated and non affiliated Veterinarians & various Pug Health Care Professionals. All of this Pug related Vetting, General Health Care & General information is provided you prior to & post adoption, via an email PDF file, the WTL Comprehensive Pug Health Care Web Site, & lastly the final compilation via bounded hard copy at the actual adoption. All of this Pug Health Care & General Pug Information is continually added to & upgraded by us on a regular basis. All of this information that we provide is intended to be used by the new Pug Adoptive Owner as a general reference guide, as to better enable you to be properly be always prepared to accommodate of your Pug’s Health Care and General Care needs. This is a very educational & comprehensive package of Pug related general and health care information which also includes all of the “PPID” records & life long ongoing recommended protocols for your individual Pug.
12] Free Pug Health Care Advice: Walk The Line provides Life time “Free Pug Health Care” advice and assistance, anatomy research, disease diagnosis & prognosis as best as we are able and legally authorized to provide, via our 24/7 moderated pug Health Care Email line and/or our standard 24/7 Telephone line. We have from all aspects diligently researched, studied, & practiced Pug Anatomy, Genetics, Disease, Breeding, & Training, & have additional well learned studies in Veterinary Medicine since the year (2000).
13] Walk The Line Pug Ranch Free Web Site Membership: WTL provides all of our New Pug Adoptive Owners with a free life time membership to our Pug general informational, Pug health care informational, and also overall an entertaining web site. The site is currently undergoing a major upgrade & rebuild which includes an extensive amount of new & updated Pug related information. Our intent after the rebuild is to continue on a regular basis, almost daily, to keep expanding the site with new, updated, & additional information, making it a one stop web site for most any Pug Health Care & General Pug Related Information. The web site membership has also grown very rapidly & the membership page has just been rebuilt. The members so far include of course The Walk The Line Crew & Extended Family, (Mentors), some of our responsible “Comrade Pug Breeders”, Veterinarians, Vet Techs, Humane Society Members & Staff, Pet Foods & Products Suppliers, Pug Rescues and Shelters, Walk The Line’s Pug Adoptive Parents, Professional private individuals from all walks of life such as Drs., Lawyers, Politicians, Business Owners, Teachers, Law Enforcement, Agriculturalists, etc. In general Pug Enthusiasts of all sorts. Each member has their own profile and picture section which they can maintain & can communicate among the group very fluently through either forum or email at their own discretion. In conclusion the site is an increasingly invaluable comprehensive resource for most any general Pug related information and Health Care.
16] Puppy Hold: Please scroll down for Walk The line’s standard policy on puppy hold & boarding options.
PUG ADOPTION PACKAGE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A) Website On Line Photo Album: <$245> – Fee for particularly Pug Puppy Pre-Adopt’s and newborns which includes: Your own puppy pic gallery posted on the Walk The Line Pug Ranch web site tab “Pug Gallery”, (sample galleries are posted) from whelping and also including pics with siblings & the Dam, showing the socialism. The package consists of a minimum of (5) sessions with your puppy (1 session appx. every 15 days from birth), until adoption age which is normally at (10-12) weeks old. Each session includes appx. (12-24) pics depending on the pups cooperation, attention span, etc. There are also (3-4) group videos of your puppy with the Dam & siblings provided over the course and posted on our web site under the “New Litters” browser tab. This is a very time consuming process that takes several hours of work over the course first working with the pups and then sorting out, editing, captioning, and posting the pics on our web site. The whole process has to be handled very carefully and at the appropriate times, especially the younger the pups are as the whole process if not done properly can upset the pups eating/sleeping schedule as well as bother their eyes and ears. This said, we do what all can be done safely at the appropriate timing, and at the same time provide as much progression change of your pup as we can, etc. This provides for the Pug Adoptive Parent/s &/or especially the children to be able to witness & safe keep early life stage pictoral updates of your pups physical & emotional progress which otherwise you would all miss out on. We try to capture along the way pics of your Puppy’s various age related growth progressions and special occasions such as soon after eyes are open and mature enough for dim light photos, 1st weaning day, 1st standing & walking day, special days with mom, 1st day outdoors, etc. The individual gallery format that we set up for you allows you to be able to edit the photos, resize them, change them, print them, etc., anyway that you want. In addition to pics of your specific pup & siblings, we also try to include some lineage pics of the Mom, & Dad, the Grandma & the Grandpa, if not in your private gallery then for sure under the general “New Litters” web site browser tab, etc. etc.
B) Spay/Neuter: Fee which includes: WTL providing transport; spay/neuter procedure performed by one of our NYS licensed Vets; us monitoring & properly tending the complete healing process & providing any additional health care support as required; provision of the spay/neuter certificate in your name <$275>… This option is only available for WTL Pugs that are already a minimum age of 12 months old prior to adoption… For a comprehensive look at the complete WTL Spay/Neuter Contract & associated practice recommendations, please contact WTL… This is WTL proprietary information which is secured and only provided via Email PDF file to qualifying Pug Adoption Applicants or PAO’s…
C) All Pug puppies come initially with a (3) stage health condition guarantee included in their standard adoption contract:
1) A (3) day comprehensive unconditional general illness health guarantee.
2) A (14) day unconditional congenital defect health guarantee.
3) A (5) year congenital defect health guarantee which is only conditional upon your own Vets examination & approval or disapproval being done within (3) business days post adoption/possession. This examination by your Vet is strictly for your benefit. The Congenital Health guarantee can also be extended for up to (5) years for a moderate additional cost of <$195>.
D) Pug Puppy/Adolescent Deluxe Home Care Pug Starter Kit: for an additional case specific fee, which includes: A comprehensive Pug Care Kit which we acquire & assemble case specific.
Examples of various contents: All Deluxe Kits First Of All Include All of The Contents That Are In The Above Basic Pug Starter Kit… In addition: Travel Size Crate; Home Size Crate; Play Pen; Harness; Retractable Leash; Sweater; Additional Travel & Bed Blankets; Additional Bath & Crate Towels; Grooming Brush; Additional Appropriate Pug Toys; Additional Bath Supplies; Additional Carry Bag; Potty Pad Box; Potty Pads; Colloidal Silver (Hydrosol); Rechargeable Nail Grinder; Rechargeable Coat Groomer; Additional Grooming Supplies; Etc;… This is just an example or the Deluxe Pug Care Kit, Each One Is assembled Case Specific To The PAO’S Requirements…
E) Delivery: Within one hour from Walk The Line Pug Ranch is free…../ Extended delivery options and/or part way meeting options are also available and priced case specific based on location & travel distances at a standard rate of <$1.00 per mile>
F) Puppy Hold: (SEE FULL PUPPY HOLD POLICY JUST BELOW) – Walk The Line will potentially hold a Pug pup after the adoption date for a certain amount of time, in order to accommodate the new Adoptive Parents to better be able to properly prepare for the Pug s arrival. Examples are: home renovations, vacations, surprise Pug present special arrival date, transportation problems, family illness, time for scheduling off of work, etc… Walk The Line charges a $25 per day fee for this service in order to compensate our various liabilities. Included is our complete 24/7 constantly & safely monitored care, food/water, daily exercise & socialism, private bed/crate area which is always kept properly clean, etc.
G) Unique Requests: Any other unique requests within reason will be considered by WTL and priced quoted on a case specific basis
Puppy Hold: All Of WTL’s Pug litters have a Tentative final adoption release date from birth, which is what we post on our web site as well as what we provide our pre-adoptive parents in pre-adoption contractual commitments…/ This is all based mostly on the pups original birth weight, minimum of a 4 pound adoption departure weight, adequate completion of the weaning process, completion of all standard Vetting procedures, weather forecast for adoption trip travel purposes, etc…/ The minimum age that we will release a pup for take home adoption is (63 days or 9 weeks post whelping)…/ The average is usually appx. 10 weeks… Normally sometime between the 6th – 8th week post whelping, we can make a final determination as to whether a 9th or 10th week date would be practical or whether it may have to be postponed, for how long, & for what reason…/ Once we do actually Finalize an adoption release date, (which for mutual convenience will normally be on a weekend), it will be posted on our web site and all contracted PAO’s will be notified in order that adoption pick ups can be arranged to be within 10 days of the announcement date…/ An additional 7 day grace period will be allowed for acceptable reasonable cause…/ Should the PAO not manage the adoption pick up by this date for whatever unacceptable reason, then the ownership & boarding responsibilities of the pup will now be that of the PAO and any remaining balance that is due under the original adoption agreement must be remitted electronically within (24) hours…/ Should Walk The Line and the PAO mutually agree to any other alternative date (case specific, and obviously unexpected short term emergencies are acceptable), then the new agreed to date will govern…/ If a new adoption date cannot be mutually agreed to then the original Final adoption release dates as described above will stand and the PAO’s ownership responsibilities and WTL’s boarding fees will begin…/
From this point forward, due to the liability that WTL is now under to care for the PAO’s Pup and all of the associated costs of general & health care, food, bedding, laundry, socialism, labor, etc…/ Walk The Line charges a $25 per day fee for this service…/ Included is our complete 24/7 constantly & safely monitored care, WTL’s current chosen Age Appropriate Pug Chow, fresh water of course, weather monitored daily exercise & socialism, private bed/crate area which is always kept properly clean, on premise Very well trained General Pug Health Care & well learned private Veterinary care, etc…/ In the event of a Veterinary Emergency, WTL will act in whatever fashion that we feel is necessary in order to get the Pug to a case appropriate Veterinary Medical Center ASAP, which is of course based on the nature of the emergency…/ The Pug owners will be responsible for reimbursing WTL for any emergency Vetting fee within (24-48) hours after occurrence…/ Any ongoing Vetting fees shall also be the responsibility of the PAO to handle directly with the Vetting Center that is involved or at your own Vetting Center, case specific…/ All above such accumulated boarding costs must be made sometime prior to the actual adoption date electronically or on the actual adoption pick up date via cash…/
Walk The Line will also hold a Pug pup for a reasonable amount of predetermined time after the litters scheduled final adoption release date, in order to best enable the new Adoptive Parents to be properly prepared for the Pugs arrival…/ Time extension examples are: home renovations, vacations, surprise Pug present special arrival date, transportation problems, time for scheduling off of work, inclement weather, etc… However, the associated liability & boarding costs will be the same as are described above…/
DISCLAIMER: Walk The Line has our own very well learned & privately practiced non licensed basic Veterinary care on premise at most all times…/ We can only provide this care to our own Pugs and as a courtesy to our PAO’s already contracted for Pugs that are still boarding with us, for free of charge…/ Subsequently, WTL shall be held harmless and without consequence of any potential resulting liability whatsoever…/ WTL is extremely well trained in Pug Health care and a large portion of our Farmstead indoors & outdoors environment has been specifically & appropriately well built & safe as a proper Pug safe well socialized environment, however, accidents can & still do happen!
Should You Microchip Your Small Breed Dog?
Should You Microchip Your Small Breed Dog?
For every happy homecoming tale of a microchipped dog, there is another person advising of the dangers to their dog’s health because of the chip. What is a new dog owner to do?
There are many happy stories of dogs who get lost, run away or get separated from their owners to find their way back home because the owner took the time to microchip. Most veterinarians recommend them and virtually all rescue organizations and human societies implant them in a dog who is being adopted.
Unfortunately, only implanting a dog or puppy with a microchip is not going to save his life and, in fact, there are some sad cases where the dog was microchipped, but still euthanized by animal shelters without the knowledge of the dog’s owner. A microchip will not bring a stolen puppy back to his owner. This is not a panacea for the happy return of all lost or stolen dogs.
Dogs are not the only animals being microchipped. Cats, Zoo Animals, birds, reptiles, ferrets, and just about any animal can be implanted even fish.
There are many countries that are now making it law that dogs be microchipped. Currently dog are required to be microchipped in Portugal, Singapore, and Bangkok and dogs in England will be required by 2016.
Some states in the U.S. are moving towards a mandatory law as well; some such as El Paso and Los Angeles County, have already passed ordinances stating that dogs residing in their jurisdictions be microchipped.
At a size equal to a grain of rice, Microchips are injected under the skin of a puppy or adult dog between his shoulder blades. They use what is called, passive Radio Frequency Identification technology, where passive means that the chip is inactive or inert until an appropriate scanner activates it and displays a number. It is not a GPS and cannot be used to locate a lost animal.
Most veterinarians and animal shelters are capable of implanting these tiny chips, as well as rescue organizations and some breeders.
Although the needle is larger than one used for vaccines, the shot usually does not bother most dogs. Puppies that are 6 weeks or older can be microchipped, but small dogs are usually too small to chip at that age. The American Kennel Club recommends that the puppy weigh least 2 pounds before being implanted.
Chips are implanted between the shoulder blades just under the skin. People worry about whether there will be pain.
Most dogs tolerate the injection, but since the size of the needle is very large, (12 gauge) the dog is going to feel the prick more so than he would a simple vaccination with a tiny needle (25 gauge). Needles are numbered where the higher the number, the smaller the needle. No anesthesia is necessary, but some veterinarians will give the dog a little local numbing to reduce the stress. Luckily, they generally last a life time, so it is a one-time deal.
The veterinarian or technician will scan the dog first to be sure there isn?t already a chip implanted. They will check the bar code on the microchip, inject it into the animal just as if it were a vaccine or subcutaneous shot and then recheck to be sure the number can be read by a scanner.
Once inserted, you will need to register your chip. Each microchip comes with registration paperwork that can be mailed in or completed online. There is usually a fee, and you will need to renew your information should you move or the animal is transferred to a new owner. An inserted microchip is useless unless the owner registers with one of many agencies designed to collect the owner?s information and microchip number.
According to Petfinder.com, the average price to microchip a dog in the United States is $45.00; however, this is only an estimate depending on where you live and who is implanting the chip. Sometimes, humane society or even a breeder can do the procedure for less. Some municipalities that offer low cost vaccines may throw in free microchips, so it is worth watching for these events in your community. This upfront cost may or may not cover the cost to register the microchip. Registration fees are usually separate and paid to the chip?s manufacturer.
When owners decide whether they are going to have their animals? microchipped, they must understand that it is a two-step process. First, the cost to implant a chip, usually performed by a veterinarian, and then the cost to register the chip, which is often the task given to the owner. Sometimes, the veterinarian will charge a flat fee and take care of registering the chip. If money is an issue, ask about costs before continuing with the procedure.
There are some companies that are now allowing people to register their animal for free. Found Animals Foundation is one such registry that will allow you to sign up, register and maintain your records for free.
Microchips come in three different frequencies. The frequency of a microchip refers to the type of signal emitted by a scanner to activate and read the microchip. The microchip does not have a power source and can only be read by a scanner capable of picking up the chip?s frequency. So, the person or agency reading the microchip must have the correct scanner.
The three microchip frequencies in the United States are:
The 134.2 kHz is the International Standards Organization (or ISO) standard and is the primary frequency used worldwide. It is also the one that has been endorsed by Professional groups including the American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Animal Hospital Association, and the National Standards Institute (ANSI). The 125 kHz microchip is still dominates the industry.
There are currently several types of scanners currently in use which also complicates the picture in the U.S. Forward-reading scanners only detect 134.2 kHz (ISO standard) microchips but will not detect 125 kHz or 128 kHz (non-ISO standard) microchips. Universal scanners, also called forward- and backward-reading scanners, identify all microchip frequencies. The main advantage of using a universal scanner is that it improves the chance of being able to read any microchip, regardless of the frequency and the chip?s manufacturer.
Unfortunately, not all humane societies, rescues and animal shelters or veterinarians own a universal scanner.
Poor scanning techniques may also fail to locate a microchip. There have also been instances where the microchip migrated away from the insertion site and was not found by the humane society personnel.
Now, let?s assume you have microchipped your dog, and he gets lost. A kind person finds him and takes him to his local vet. The veterinarian scans for and finds a microchip. Now what?
At this time, there is not one database in the U.S. for registering microchips. Unlike many countries, the U.S. has not adopted the ISO standard, so each microchip company maintains its own registry and there are many companies out there competing for your business.
In 2009, the American Animal Hospital Association set up an internet based tool, the Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool which provides a listing of the manufacturer with which the microchip’s code is associated as well as if the chip information is found in participating registries.
The key word here is “participating” meaning that not all microchip companies elect to participate in the program. It is available to anyone: veterinarians, humane organization, or pet owner to search the different registries. The tool does not provide owner information. For that information, the person using the tool will need to contact the manufacturer associated with the chip.
There are a few free databases that are not directly associated with a specific manufacturer, but many of these agencies are still available in the Universal Lookup Tool
Usually there are no problems associated with microchipping a pet. However, there have been some reports of microchips causing cancer, inflammation and problems at the site of insertion. Relatively rare, dog owners should be aware that microchipping their dog is not completely risk free.
According to Dr. Karen Becker from Mercola, there have been two cases of sarcoma or fibrosarcoma have been reported in the veterinary literature. Additionally, between 1996 and 2006, up to 10% of laboratory mice and rats had a reaction to the microchip which ranged from a localized inflammation to tumor formation. At this time, there is not a clear understanding as to why cancer is occurring in lab mice rats and dogs.
In the January/February 2011 issue of Dogs Naturally magazine, a tiny 6 week old Tibetan terrier suffered neurological damage as a result of a microchip.
In another case, a three-year-old female Yorkshire terrier, who had been microchipped 3 years prior, developed severe lameness and could not bear weight on her front left leg. The muscles in her leg were wasting away, and a x-ray revealed that the implanted chip had lodged in her spinal column.
The real reason people microchip their dog is the peace of mind knowing that if he gets lost, he has a higher chance of being reunited with you. There are definite risks, and no system is fool proof.
Before making a decision, consider your own dog?
If you answered yes to all of the above, perhaps your dog does not need a microchip.
But, if your dog does not consistently come when you call, gets loose from his collar, darts away each time a squirrel climbs a tree, or bolts out the front door at any chance he gets, he might be a good candidate.
Additionally if you travel regularly with your dog, it might be a good idea, especially if your travel plans include visits to countries where microchips are required.
The best advice is buyer beware. Do your research before making any final decision and as a small dog owner, be sure your puppy is big enough to handle implantation and understand the risks.
Before making a final decision towards Pug ownership, please think things through to conclusion and also make sure that all of your homes occupants are in accord with the new addition. Becoming the adoptive parent of a Pug, which is one of the most loving, affectionate, playful, intelligent, Human Companions, can be a wonderful and exciting addition to your family, IF YOU ARE PROPERLY EDUCATED AND PREPARED. Without going into great explanation, being the owner/caretaker of a Pug is much the same as having a baby. A Pug can bring a life time of love and joy into a home, if the environment is adequate and the adoptive parent/s are mentally, physically, and financially prepared. First of all, is a Pug the right Breed for you? To help you better answer this question, please click on the tab in our browser labeled “The Pug Breed”. Secondly, but above all else, the adoptive parents must have at least a basic knowledge of proper Pug health care and maintenance and/or be prepared to learn. But don’t worry, Walk The Line will assist you. WTL will provide a healthy quality well bred Pug and more than adequate Pug health care information, guidance, and support, but you must take the time to benefit from it! The rest is up to you! You must first have an adequate home/habitat, and then the ample time and financial ability to train, socialize with, and properly provide all of the neccesary medical and all other general maintenance and related neccessities that a Pug requires. If, and only if you think and can adequately show that you are prepared for this, Walk The Line will be happy to help you select that very special mutually appropriate Pug. We will also assist you every step of the way with any Pug health care or other general Pug related concerns that arise along the way, throughout the hopefully long, happy, and healthy life of our Pug.
Furthermore, before making your now else wise well thought out and prepared decision, also look into your Pug source, at least a little further past question number one, “what is the price of your Pugs?” Look into not only their price but more importantly what are you getting? Does the Breeder have a specific “Breeding Method” & if so what is it? What quality of a healthy well bred Pug are you being provided; What inoculations and other health care has the Pug been provided; What is the breeder’s reputation; What is the breeder’s background, knowledge, and experience; What health care information and support pre and post adoption is provided by the breeder; What health guarantee if any is being provided by the breeder; What are the breeder’s responsibilities if for what ever reason that you are not able to fulfill your whole duty as a responsible Pug owner; etc., etc., etc. If you compare all of these factors, you will find that Walk The Line’s Pug adoption fees are not only moderately priced, but much more importantly, you will find that Walk The Line is amongst the most responsible Pug Breeders and the best!
.Lastly your decision to adopt a Pug should be a properly family contemplated, and considered to be Pug/life long decision! Please do not make any irresponsible hasty decision based solely on dollar amount, fancies, friendships, abrupt sentimental replacements, minor geographical inconvenience, and/or any other urgent or frivolous reasons. These reasons most often only add to our Countries over population of homeless pets and further increases to the already over burdened efforts of our Homeless and Pet Shelter Associations. We thoroughly recognize and financially support our animal shelters as being an invaluable resource in the rescuing of and sheltering of homeless pets all accross our Country.