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~ Walk The Line’s Unprecedented Pug Puppy Pre-Adoption Program ~
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Elite Pug Puppy Pre-Adoption Program
Walk The Line’s Elite Pug Puppy Pre-adoption Program, dissertated directly below the Disney Utube, is specifically an unparalled Pug Puppy Adoption Program that is particularly unique in that it is specifically designed for those potential Pug Adoptive Families (especially with children), that want to be a part of their Pugs life as early on as possible, from birth and even prior to the actual mating process…../ The WTL program provides for the pre-adoption of a guaranteed Healthy Quality Properly and Responsibly Bred PureBreed Pug Puppy (via a mutually fair & legal adoption contract). The Adoptive Parents involvement can begin even as in the early stages of Walk The Line’s premier selection of one of our Exemplary Healthy, Properly Mentally & Physically Prepared, & Most Positive Selected DNA Matched Breeding Pairs, all the way up until the litter reaches proper weaning maturity which is normally appx. (10-12) weeks old …../ This is the minimum potential actual Pug Puppy take home adoption age…../ If you are in disregard of the Pug Breed by being in a hurry, or looking for a Pug puppy of a lessor age that has not been so responsibly and properly well Bred & Weaned, both physically & emotionally, then please look elsewhere and do not waste our time!!!Thank You!
Walk The Line
For A Detailed Description Of The WTL Pug Adolescent & Adult Adoption Program, Please Click The Link Below:
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THE UNITED KENNEL CLUB – The Official International Canine Registry
The Official ESA Registration Of America
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What’s the difference between an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) and a Service Dog?
Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are animals that provide therapeutic benefits to their owner through affection and companionship. A Service Dog is specially trained to perform a task to help someone with a disability. A seeing eye dog is one example of a Service Dog. Unlike a Service Dog, an emotional support animal does not need specialized training to handle a task. Further, Emotional Support Animals come in different breeds and animal types and are not just limited to dogs, while Service Animals are either dogs or mini horses.
Pinocchio is a 1940 American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Productions and based on the Italian children’s novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. It was the second animated feature film produced by Disney, made after the success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937).
When the woodworker Geppetto (Christian Rub) sees a falling star, he wishes that the puppet he just finished, Pinocchio (Dickie Jones), could become a real boy. In the night, the Blue Fairy (Evelyn Venable) grants Geppetto’s wish and asks Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards) to serve as the wooden boy’s conscience. But the naive and trusting Pinocchio falls into the clutches of the wicked Honest John (Walter Catlett), who leads him astray to the sinful Pleasure Island.
“When You Wish Upon a Star” is a song written by Leigh Harline and Ned Washington for Walt Disney’s 1940 adaptation of Pinocchio. The original version was sung by Cliff Edwards in the character of Jiminy Cricket, and is heard over the opening credits and in the final scene of the film.
Here Under, Please Find Walk The Line Pug Ranch’s Well Provided For Pug Puppy Pre-Adoption Itinerary… Our Pug Puppy Pre-Adoption Application Process Which Includes: Breeder Responsible Due Diligence, Background & Reference Checks, Assisting The Pug Adoptive Parents In Setting Up Your Case Specific Pugs Recommended “PPID Protocol”, Either With Your Already Chosen DVM’S &/Or Helping To Establish Your DVM’S, Providing An After Adoption General Pug Care Program Including A Comprehensive Pug Care Information pkge., And Finally Orchestrating This All Within A Mutually Fair & Beneficial Legal Adoption Contract…
From Once You Seek WTL Out & Until Final Adoption Contract Approval, Normally Takes Appx. (1-2 weeks) Depending On The Swiftness Of All The Parties Involved… This Being Said, If You Are Late For A Last Minute Gift Or Anxious To Grab Onto Any Pug That Is Out There As Soon As Possible Based On Primarily Your Urgency, Convenience, Or Simply “Sticker Price” Alone, Respectfully You Have Come To The Wrong Place!!! Respectfully, Just Please Stop Here & Save Us Both A Lot Of Time.
For A Complete Dissertation On What All Is Included In Our Standard Pug Puppy Pre-Adoption Package, & Also The Optional Items That Can Be Added, Please Click Here For The Browser Tab “Adoption Pkge”…
WTL’S Pug Adoption fees are in general very reasonably competitive compared with equivalent status Responsible Pug Breeders, especially considering that most others are simply on occasion inexperienced & uneducated back yard “Pug Sellers”… They are Not Reputable Breeders that work vehemently 24/7/365 in the many various efforts which support, enhance & preserve the Pug Breeds Original Ancient Chinese PureBreed Heritage..! Even very few other “Pug Breeders” actually practice by the highly responsible methods by which WTL practices, nor do they have the background skills, Pug health care training & experience, dedication to the Animals and the Pug Breed in itself, etc. that is required in order to provide Top Healthy Quality, Well Raised, & Properly Bred Immune Sufficient Pugs…
WTL provides a wealth of Pug Information & necessary support to all our Pug Adoptive Parents, in order that they be well educated with the Pug Breed, & aware of all of the proper responsibilities that are involved in being a responsible Pug Adoptive Parent… WTL encourages that you be comfortably satisfied with your Walk The Line Pug Breeders proper responsible practices & General Pug Breed experience, by providing for you to please take advantage of browsing the WTL Comprehensive Pug Health Care Orientated Web Site… Then afterwards feel free to ask as many questions as you’d like… This being said, before you just purchase a Pug, whether it be from WTL or from any other source, please perform the proper diligence & most certainly do not base your decision on sticker price or convenience alone ..! What you may think perhaps be saving you money or convenience on an unhealthy or improperly Bred Pug will likely be an expensive and emotional path of dealing with Pugs illness, Vet bills, the constant stress over your Pugs well being, and most devastating a potentially short lived Pug!!! Walk The Line is passionately dedicated to all that we do in the Pug World & foremost is our responsible practices of Breeding for Healthy Quality & Immune Sufficient PureBreed Pugs, NOT Quantity! Our Post Adoption Support, Free Pug Health Care advice, life time custodianship, etc. is unmatched & never ending…
As is standard practice in all that we do, our Pug Adoption Itinerary is well provided for with the focus being primarily on what is best for our Pugs Health & Welfare, starting now through to the Adoption fruition & hopefully for many years then after… We must first of all select a proper good family home through our application process that we feel confident will become well Pug Breed & Health Care educated, resulting in & providing Pug for a Long Healthy Life & a “Healthy & Happy Pug Environment”… Once the WTL Adoption Application Diligence Process has been accomplished, then a Pug Adoption Contract is entered into, a tentative Pug Adoption date/time/place is established, & then things get happily under way…
LEGEND: {PAA – Pug Adoptive Applicant} : {PAO – Pug Adoptive Owner} : {DVM – Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine} :
{WTL – Walk The Line Pug Ranch} : {“PPID” – Parasite Prevention’s, Inoculations, & De-Wormings}
[1] WTL is searched out by whatever various means that the Perspective Pug Applicant has found us, WTL’s Pug Breeder Web Site, AKC, UKC, or other Kennel web site, Another Pug Breeder Web Site that WTL is a Member of, Another Pug Care Agency, A Private Referral, etc… Then we are contacted by you…
[2] WTL initially responds (via email for mutual time savings & convenience) by answering any initial questions & in order to mutually establish potential grounds to move forward…
[3] If after that, we both have established potential grounds to move forward, & only if the Applicant is of serious interest in pursuing a potential Pug Puppy Adoption with us, you are then directed to please go to our web site tab: www.walkthelinepugranch.org/adoption-apply …
Please read this page thoroughly… At page bottom, please fill out & submit the strictly private & confidential Pug Adoption Application Form via Computer (Not by cell phone)… This information provides WTL with all of the information that is required in order that we can potentially educatively orchestrate with you a case specific mutually satisfactory & “Happy Pug Adoption”, which in turn benefits us all & especially our Pug Puppy…
[4] Normally within 24-48 hours after WTL receives the applicants Pug Adoption Application:
A) WTL does a preliminary review of the information provided in order to make an initial determination as to whether or not WTL can either currently provide now, or potentially provide in the future, a Pug Puppy that fits properly into all of your requested criteria…
B) Secondly WTL also does a basic preliminary review of you having an overall sound habitat, the inhabitants, your life style, Animal experience, various other references & general information provided us, certain other factors, etc., in order to determine if there are any immediate stand out reasons as to whether or not a WTL Pug Puppy cannot be adopted into your current situation.
C) WTL then may or may not email you some brief preliminary questions, and once answered we would then notify you via email of our initial qualification determinations… Assuming that both findings are positive then we would proceed to the next step which is to establish a preliminary telephone conference with the WTL Technical representative…
[5] WTL would then notify you of the current conference schedule available with WTL’s technical representative… You select a convenient day & time slot, then email us back with your conference appointment selection… This conference is a sort of meet & greet affording both parties to ask any unanswered initial questions, go over any adoption process procedures, estimated time lines, discuss the potentially available case specific appropriate Pugs, (pending application approval), and further discuss in more detail the WTL recommended Pug PPID Vetting Protocols… Once the telephone conference has been orchestrated, assuming that both parties are in accord to potentially move forward, we then go to the next step below…
Now presumably all parties moving forward, This is now the onset of WTL’s diligence in the administrative processing of your Pug Adoption Application Information.
[6] There is now due an initial $200 “Due Diligence & Administrative Application Processing Fee” which WTL applies towards the costs of our adoption application diligence and all of the comprehensive administrative work which we do throughout the lengthy Adoption communications process… This $200 fee is a portion of the total adoption package fee and is retained by WTL permanently “No Matter What”, at our sole discretion for any sound reason/s whatsoever including Adoption disapproval, and especially for having provided us any fraudulent information… Any potential uneducated disregard by either the Pug Applicant or their intended preferred Vet’s general disagreement with WTL’s recommended “PPID Protocol” or Spay/Neuter Guidelines, which are all generally aligned with the Vetting Industries current “AAHA” & AVMA” Core Protocols… PAA’s unreasonable cause for disagreement with the terms of the WTL well proven mutually fair & legal comprehensive Pug Adoption Agreement, Unacceptable PAO’s buyers remorse, etc…
In addition to the general basics of the WTL recommended “PPID Protocol” which were already discussed during the initial WTL / PAO telephone conference, WTL provides PAO with the complete written protocol and further direction as outlined in # [8] directly below…
Once being educated by WTL & PAO’s Vet in regards to the various Preventative Disease inoculations, De-Worming Protocols, & Parasite Prevention Alternatives, & after The PAO takes over final ownership of Pug, It is ultimately the Pug Adoptive Owners responsibility & sole discretion as to provide Pug the WTL PPID Protocol regimen as recommended for life, potentially deviating along the way as the PAO’s privately chosen Vet advises or as unique circumstance arises… Then after, WTL remains in assistance and guidance to Pug as requested by the PAO…
Rabies vaccinations are the ONLY Canine Inoculations required & gouverned by law…
Respectfully, let us make that clear… Once engaged, WTL retains this $200 “Due Diligence & Administrative Application Processing Fee” permanently, “No Matter What”… WTL is dedicated vehemently to the care of particularly Pugs, Horses, & various Farm Animals 24/7/365, we have not the time to waste especially for free… If for any reason whatsoever you feel that this policy is not fair or acceptable, respectfully halt right here and look for a Pug elsewhere, saving us both time and frustration…
The fee is submitted on our web site tab “Pug Pay”, safely & securely via a direct link through Pay Pal by use of any major credit card or your own Pay Pal account… Submission instructions are therein…
This fee goes towards the extended time that WTL spends:
1) Orchestrating and coordinating all to do with your adoption;
2) Processing your application which includes much administrative due diligence, including telephone calls, emails, paper work, etc;
3) All associated comprehensive Communications throughout the adoption process with the Applicants Vet/s, Personal & Professional references, etc;
4) WTL establishing your Pugs initial case specific recommended “PPID Protocol” with either your preferred Vet or another mutually satisfactory Vet within your geographic location;
5) Preparing & providing all of your Pug Adoption case specific Contracts & Documents, Health Guarantees, Comprehensive Pug Health Care Guide, etc;
6) Whatever other additional Admin WTL has to do within reason to accommodate a potential Pug Adoption…
If as is hoped for, the Pug Adoption Application is approved, then this “Due Diligence & Administrative Application Processing Fee” is automatically converted into an “Earnest Deposit” and then applied/credited 100% directly towards the total costs of your Pug Adoption Package…
[7] Next once WTL receives the initial $200.00 Admin Fee, we would enter into a “Pending” mutually fair & legal Pug Pre-Adoption Agreement with each other and all terms of the Agreement are now fully in effect… The WTL “Due Diligence” process is now engaged and is normally completed within (5-10) business days barring any delays in the various Communications procedures involving any 3rd parties, Vets, references, setting up the Pug’s case specific recommended PPID Protocol with the PAO &/or their DVM, unexpected distractions of higher priority, etc… WTL may or may not contact the PAA &/or your various references in person, (via telephone) throughout our diligence as we require for any additional information, clarification, discussion, or supporting documentation as is case specific… Other general public (non private) electronic verification procedures may be used as are necessary…
[8] WTL now directs & provides the Pug Adoptive Applicant via WTL web site access, to take an initial preview of WTL’s well learned recommended PPID Pug Vetting Protocols, & standard Spay/Neuter Guidelines…
The WTL PPID approach is generally: Providing appropriate Pug Breed & Health Care proper Education Material to the PAO… The PAO’S human family & Pug then practicing proper Hygiene & Abstinence from the various source of Pug Disease and Parasites, providing Pug initially with only the standard “AAHA” & “AVMA” recommended Core Virus Vaccinations, a Regimental Schedule for providing Pug with Preventative Vet Check Ups & Blood Tests… All of which is intended to keep the use of any of the many controversial & most often unnecessary chemically manufactured Non-Core Virus and Parasite Prevention’s, (commonly considered as killer drugs) to an absolute minimum use, unless a clinical prevention or actual necessity is recognized by the DVM…
The WTL Spay/Neuter Guidelines are basically as the following EXAMPLE based on Pugs whelp date of 12/04/2019:
Spay/Neuter: IT is best recommended for long term health benefits, to have your Pug spayed/neutered, usually between the ages of
Pug to be spayed/neutered by date: EXAMPLE: __(9/04/2019 thru 6/04/2020 or 9 to 18 months is acceptable) *** (12/04/2019 thru 3/04/2020 or 12 to 15 months is Preferred & only after 1st Estrus/females), Upon the PAO’s private DVM’s discretion, unless the DVM presents a legitimate Health concern for Pug’s Health benefit, to not spay/neuter, or requests for legitimate clinical reason, a later date change alteration in writing. WTL will then either approve of the preclusion or date change alteration back in writing, or possibly opt further discussion with the DVM prior to approval__A date range previous to 9 months old is not acceptable other than for a legitimate clinical reason, or in order to prevent a legitimate suspected forthcoming health threat based on the DVM’s clinical observation. In the event of the DVM’s claim to a Clinical Emergency, any treatment as advised by the DVM is to be discussed solely with PAO, and not WTL in order to save time. The two parties are to then determine the best treatment plan & administer such treatment immediately upon discretion of the DVM. WTL shall be notified in writing at the (PAO’s Responsibility), below on this form in writing directly from the DVM, with endorsement, a brief report and cause of the event, along with end results, within (14 days) post occurrence…/
Spay/neuter helps to prevent potentially hazardous health situations, unsafe/unwanted pregnancies, Ovarian & Testicle Cancers, Testicle Cancer, Uterus Infections, UTI’s, Pyometra, certain other physical, disease, or infectious related health problems from occurring to your Pug down the road… However, most modern nationally renown veterinary experts agree, that Spay/neuter prior to 9 months old is considered the #1 cause for later on in life incontinence, a considerable relation to Hormone underdevelopment related life long Health problems, the development of certain Immune System deterioration & deficiencies, Hip Dysplasia, Bone Cancer, (CCL) Ligament Injuries, Abnormal Bone Growth… Increased incidence of Aggression, Noise Phobias, Fear, Adverse Vaccine Reactions, & certain other life long ailments… Also spay/neuter at too early of age substantially increases the more likelihood of potential life threatening reaction/s to anesthesia or after surgery NSAID’s, pain & inflammatory meds or Antibiotics, etc!
Once the PAA has familiarized yourselves a bit with the recommended WTL PPID Pug Vetting Protocols approach & the WTL Spay/Neuter Guideline’s, the Pug Adoptive Applicant MUST make their own arrangements to share and thoroughly discuss them both with your current DVM, (especially if the PAA is not familiar with PPID Vetting protocols and/or particularly your DVM’s practice preferences in the “Gray Area Non-Core Protocol’s”)… A PDF print out of the WTL recommended “PPID Protocol” & the Spay/Neuter Guidelines will be made available via email to the Pug Adoptive Applicant for this purpose… Should the PAA and/or their DVM Have any questions whatsoever, WTL Strongly encourages the PAA to orchestrate a (2 or 3 way) telephone conference between the parties, in order to case specific discuss the Pug’s to be intended PPID Protocol, engaging all the parties educated input, practice & experience, and Geographical specifics to be considered, particularly in regard to the “Gray Area Non-Core Protocol”… If afterwards the Pug Adoptive Applicant agrees generally with the WTL approach and the intended DVM does not, then WTL will work with the PAA at request, in order to find a more appropriate “Modern Vet” whom is UTD on current Veterinary practice standards, should the PAA wish to do so… WTL has several already established relationships throughout the NEast United States with certain DVM’S that generally share the WTL PPID approach, which we can refer the PAA to in order for your further one on one discussion and advice accordingly… WTL does not do all that we do in the Pug World to benefit Pugs 24/7/365, spending literally hundreds of hours in breeding, weaning, raising each puppy to very Healthy adoption fruition readiness, so that we can hand them over to be destroyed by the most often completely unnecessary use of many of the toxic chemically manufactured Non Core Inoculations and certain Parasite Prevention’s, while there are in most cases, Veterinary Industry standard recognized well safe alternative methods available …
After doing your own diligence in regard to all of this, and only if you generally agree with the more modern WTL recommended PPID approach & Spay/Neuter Guidelines, we would then proceed to the next step… If this is respectfully all over your head, then we can alternatively also schedule any additional telephone conferences as required, for further discussion & explanation, etc…
Please note: Whatever PPID procedures & Spay/Neuter time frames that are provided Pug, (other than for subsequent clinical cause as may be recognized by the DVM), are at the sole discretion of the Pugs final owner, other than for Rabies Inoculations which are required by your State & Local Law… All DVM’S involvement & authority involved here is to educate & share the advise of their standard PPID practices & Spay/Neuter opinions with the Pug owner, not to force them!!! Often the practices may not even be Breed specific… If a DVM ever attempts to force you to follow their standard practice with no clinical cause, then find a new Vet… WTL retains primary ownership of all Pug Puppies produced until (12-18 months of age), after the terms of the spay/neuter agreement have been fulfilled by the Pug Adoptive Parent, post adoption… Therefore until such time, WTL as Pugs owner, retains full rights to the Pups standard PPID preventative vetting protocols & Spay/Neuter Guidelines, which can only be overridden by the DVM in the case of recognizing a Veterinary clinical Health concern or case specific necessary Health benefit for the Pug…
[9] Now once the Pugs final recommended PPID Protocol & Spay/Neuter Guidelines have been discussed and agreed to by the parties, WTL then completes any open portion of processing the PAA’s adoption application diligence… Once completed, WTL then notifies the PAA of our final decision, or decision with contingencies, and once agreed, we both then either proceed accordingly towards a “Permanent” Pug Puppy Adoption or Pre-Adoption Contract Agreement, or in the case of an adoption application disapproval we provide you justifiable reason/s and we do not proceed accordingly… The “Due Diligence & Administrative Application Processing Fee” &/or any other deposits on hand are then generally dispersed as described herein this page, (above & below) and further defined within the case specific Pug Adoption Contract Agreement…
[10] Then, assuming that we are mutually going forward towards a permanent Pug adoption contract agreement and you have not already picked out a Pug Puppy as described above, we discuss WTL’S various Case Specific Appropriate Puppies criteria that are available for your adoption, (or will be made available after whelping), post pics on our web site for your consideration if necessary, take whatever additional time is necessary discussing anything & everything to do with Pugs: IE:, Their proper selection to your personal environment, their proper future Health Care requirements, the proper financial, emotional, and home preparations that you must consider, the various Adoption Fees, etc etc. etc…
[11] MANDATORY WTL PROPRIETARY PUG HEALTH CARE GUIDE: At this stage of the process, once your Pug adoption has been approved, we then subsequently prepare your Pug Pre-Adoption or Pug Adoption contract documents, Health Guarantees, Proprietary Walk The Line Pug Health Care Guide, etc. (case specific)… The Docs are emailed to you via PDF file and also printed out hard copy, put into a nice binder, & sent to you via US priority mail…This binder consists of your adoption contract docs which are drawn mutually fair and legal binding, your Pugs case specific Vetting records, your case specific Pug’s “PPID Protocols”, specific feed/water instructions, pre-adoption & post adoption specific & general Pug Health Care preparations and guidelines, etc… All in all a very comprehensive General Pug Health Care Guide of information that WTL has studied, experienced, learned, etc. while working with the Pug Breed among ourselves and along side our many various hired licensed Veterinarians, Vet Techs., various other Trained Vetting Industry Sources & Mentors, since the year “2000”… This Pug Health Care Guide which currently consists of appx. (160 pages), WTL provides in order to best ensure that our Pug Adoptive Parents are learned and properly prepared for your Pug adoption and afterwards life long care… There is a mandatory $150.00 one time fee (due now) for the guide which is a stand alone fee which is already included as a part of the Pug Adoption Pkge Fee… This fee is Not Refundable for ANY reason whatsoever once the PAO has received the PDF copy via email, final draft hard copy original in case binder will also be provided at the actual physical adoption transfer, at no additional charge…
[12] Once you receive all of the contract docs via email PDF file, you have (24-48) hours to review and approve them (barring extenuating circumstance)… Should you not approve of the documents or the adoption contract other than for substantial legitimate reason/s, even after potential modifications discussion with WTL within the appropriate time schedule, then the Pug Adoption Contract Agreement shall be terminated “For Cause”… The advance payments towards the “Non-Refundable” Administration Fees and the Pug Health Care Guide Fee shall also be 100% forfeited without recourse as described in paragraphs #6 & #11 above… At this point of the engagement, WTL will have most likely already spent a considerable amount of time working with you in processing your adoption application information and any Pug Pup that we may have put on hold for specifically you, most likely could have been adopted to another qualifying home… Presuming that you do approve of the adoption documents as everyone always has, then of course we proceed forward…
[13] Now if not already done so, and if you are now prepared to, via the conclusion of our Pug Puppy criteria discussions, and by having viewed the case specific Puppies under the “Pug Gallery” tab on our web site, you make a Pug Puppy selection, or submit your preferred criteria towards a yet unborn puppy from the next litter in the case of a pre-adoption contract… There is now also due a $1,000.00 fee to have your “Exclusive Puppy Hold” benefit/comfort/security of having either a yet unborn puppy pre-adopt spot held open, or an already born Pug picked out by you and placed on hold specifically for you… At this point WTL’s time involvement has been deeply engaged, the Pug you have selected now is not otherwise adoptable by us, etc. and therefore this fee is not refundable once placed should you drop out of the adoption transfer agreement or adoption process at this point for any reason whatsoever, barring a WTL accepted hardship grievance… The fee is however applied directly towards the puppy’s total adoption fees package…
*** / If at this point there still remains a struggle in making your specific Pug Puppy selection by previous means, There is now an option only on our Adolescent (14 weeks to 3 years/old) or Adult Pugs, (not puppies) if mutually agreed to, for making a site visit to Walk The Line’s Private Farm in order to pick out your Pug in person. We do not allow visitors from the outside world to see/handle our puppies due to them not having received all of their “Puppy Shots” yet and the risk of contracting any potential Canine virus/disease, etc… Walk The Line Private Farm Visits also are only allowed via appointment & only after having thoroughly read & accepted the terms & conditions described in detail under the “Visitations” tab on our Web Site & signing a release of liability waiver / ***
***/ In the case of a pre-whelping pre-adoption contract: If your specific requested ‘Pug Criteria” puppy is not born (example, you want a female and only males are born) you then would have 3 options:
1) Choose another Puppy from this litter with other than what was originally requested criteria, assuming that one is available…
2) Float your Pug Adoption Contract Agreement & funds invested to date towards the next litter and maintain the request for what was your original requested Puppy criteria…
3) Opt of your Pug Adoption Contract Agreement by engaging in a mutually fair & legal “Contract Termination Agreement”… If you accept the termination agreement option which is time sensitive, within 48 hours of notice the “Non Refundable” $200.00 Administrative Fees and $150.00 Pug Health Care Guide Fee shall also 100% be forfeited without recourse as described in paragraphs #6 & #11 above… Any other additional deposits towards the puppy itself &/or towards any “puppy hold fees” will be 100% refunded in their entirety…
If you do not accept the termination agreement within 48 hours of notice, then the “Contract Termination Agreement” offer will be rescinded and all dealings & funds already submitted, will revert back to the legal terms as are stated within the original standard WTL Pug Adoption Contract Agreement…
*** / In the case of a post-whelping pre-adoption contract: In the highly unlikely event that anything should ever happen to your selected Pug Pup between the pre-adoption contract date and the actual adoption/possession date, then you would have the same 3 options as are described immediately above…
Finally then you would also decide what other (if any) of the Adoption Package Options that you would want included in your Adoption… These are all posted on our web site under the browser tab “Adoption Pkge”, about half way down the page under the ADOPTION PACKAGE OPTIONS SECTION… We then also establish a mutually workable & tentative Adoption day/place/time, which all depends on your proximity & preference, our schedule, and the pups overall preparedness, weaning completion, vaccinations, de-wormings, etc… Once an adoption date has been initially established it may be changed at the sole discretion of WTL for any reason whatsoever, normally having to do with the pups weaning completion or perhaps scheduling conflicts… WTL prefers that all Pug Adoptions are orchestrated at the WTL Pug Ranch, however in specific case of hardship or extended travel, or on occasion that the WTL Pug Ranch may not be available at the Adoption date pre-established at time due to other conflicting activities, WTL may be able to accommodate the adoption else where… If approved, on the road Adoptions scheduled within one hour of your Pug Puppy’s WTL location are free of any additional delivery fees… Each additional mile is charged at a rate of $.75… Once all additional options are decided, a total Adoption Package fee is then calculated & mutually agreed to…
*** Please note: Any/all of the information that you have provided WTL in your Pug Puppy Adoption Application is kept strictly confidential & will be used in us making our final determinations regarding your application approval/disapproval… Once WTL’S determinations have been made final based on that information and assuming that the adoption has been approved, any/all changes & particularly changes that are related to “Adoption Contract Options”, must be mutually agreed to and an overall re-evaluation of our original adoption approval may have to be reconsidered… If changes are requested after the application information has gone to contract, WTL will potentially make any requested contract changes, terminations, approvals, disapproval’s, etc. as is governed under the contract and what we feel is in the best future interests or our Pug… If there has been no “harm done” or any costs or additions to the original contract incurred, there will be no additional fees, otherwise additional fees will be added accordingly… If a request for Adoption Contract Termination is ever submitted to WTL for whatever reason/s, a partial contract deposit refund will be fairly considered upon request depending on case specific circumstance or unexpected hard ship, otherwise the full contract deposits to date and as are further described in the contract will be retained by WTL for damages or any other costs as is associated with the above… Thank you!
* PUPPY HOLD* – Please scroll to the bottom of this page for the options and guidelines in regards to the post adoption contract WTL “Puppy Hold Policy”
Now as the payment schedule & time advances, you then again go to our web site tab: http://www.walkthelinepugranch.org/pugpay.htm & place any additional installments that may be possibly due as follows:…./
1) Once your Pug Adoption Transfer Agreement has been all completed mutually discussed & accepted, etc., then the first actual deposit in the amount of $1,200.00 is due towards the base puppy adoption fee and is held as a “puppy hold fee” for having an exclusive selection/position based on your pups requested criteria, of the litter selection once having whelped, or towards an exclusive hold on a puppy which has already been whelped and selected by you…../ This “puppy hold fee” is not refundable for any reason should you drop out of the adoption transfer agreement for any reason, unless WTL approves of a hardship grievance…../ The fee is however applied directly towards the puppy’s total adoption fee expense…../
2) After your pup is Whelped, pictures presented, & picked out (normally 5-7 days after birth) the second actual deposit towards your Puppy is due at age (30 days) in the amount of 1/3 the total base puppy adoption fee amount…../
3) A third and final installment of the total puppy adoption fee is due at the actual adoption…../
4) Within (10) days pre whelping the Optional Photo Gallery Fee of $245.00 if chosen, is now due and completely 100% Non-Refundable, other than if your preferred puppy criteria or other acceptable criteria was not whelped, and you decide to terminate your adoption contract and optional pic gallery…../
5) Within (10) days prior to the actual scheduled adoption transfer date, the last of the four “Non- Refundable Fees” which is in the amount of $150.00 is due…../ This fee is for all/any misc. supplies which are standardly included in all WTL Pug Adoptions, IE…../ Travel Carry Bag; First starter 12# bag of Wellness Core Puppy Chow; Any secondary case specific food or dietary supplements; Appropriate Kong Toy; Seasonal appropriate style Blanket; Bed Towel; 2 Gallons of the WTL recommended Water Samples & 6 x 16.9 oz. carry waters (Walmart brands); 2 Puppy familiar & age appropriate Food/Water Starter Dishes; Covered Travel Pyrex Dish; Wash Cloths; Rubber Gloves; Q-tips; Cotton Balls; Colloidal Silver- optional; Genteal Eye Ointment; Scissors; Mineral Oil; Vaseline; Thermometer; Tri-Biotic Ointment; Nail Clippers; Grinder optional; Hydrogen Peroxide Spray; Misc Case specific required Items; Etc…../ This is our basic Pug Care Kit, see our optional kit which includes much more including Crate options, Play Pen options, Potty options, Etc…../
6) The last Pre-Adoption Installment which is allocated towards any of the potential “Options” that the PAO chose from the list posted under the “Adoption Package Options” tab, is also due (10) days prior to the actual adoption transfer date,…./
7) The final % of the base puppy adoption fee contract balance would be due at anytime prior to the actual adoption/possession date via Pay Pal, or at the actual adoption in cash only…../ The choice of the two payment options is up to the PAO’S discretion…../
The Installment fees are all once again placed right on our site under the browser tab “Pug Pay” through the mutual security & convenience of Pay Pal, by use of any major credit card… Your installments & guaranteed satisfactory Pug Adoption are secured by Pay Pals standard Buyer/Seller Policy…../
[14] Also included in all of our Pug Puppy Adoptions is the provision of a free lifetime membership to our forever expanding very Comprehensive Pug Health Care, Pug Educational, & Entertaining Web Site as well as our free 24/7/365 monitored Pug Health Care Assistance & Medical Research line…../
That said, We then ask you to join our web site, membership is free…../ Now as an “Adoptive Parent” having been invited to join our web site & after having done so, you are given access to the security protected browser tabs on our web site, these are the Pug Health & Safety tabs that are encased in [brackets]…../ We then direct you to these tabs & other various locations on the web site that will provide you with all of the information that is necessary in order for you to properly prepare yourselves, your home, & your vehicle for a safe, successful, Healthy & Happy Pug Puppy Adoption Trip & the proper introduction into your family home…../
[15] Once all pre-adopt pups have been whelped & stabilized, normally (3-7) days after birth we set up an initial pic/video gallery of your Pug Pup/s on our web site which you can view 24/7/365…../ The gallery is initially set up with just a few pics in order to not to upset the newborn & in order that the PAO’S can now select their pre-contracted for Puppy…../ Optionally, the pics/videos Gallery is continued throughout the (10-12) week weaning stages of the puppy, some of which include of the Dam & Siblings while at play and when nursing and also we try to capture special occasions such as: eyes first open date; first walking date; first wean from mom date onto puppy formulas; first actual kibble date; Etc…../
[16] WTL now continues to proceed with our standard diligence of properly caring for the litter, Assisting nursing the litter every feeding with mom 7/or by bottle as required, Weaning the litter through the multiple Nutritional, Hydration, Socialization, & Physical Growth Stages, Providing all appropriate inoculations, De-worms, & Any other Vet care as is necessary, and in General properly preparing our/your Puppy for his/her Adoption as already further described above in the introduction… All/Any final grooming procedures such as baths, toe nails, etc. and the WTL final Health Exam are also performed normally (3-5) days prior to the actual adoption date in order to be all UTD & ready to go…../
WTL is adamant about keeping fluent & timely Communications with each PAO throughout the (10-12) week weaning process and also post adoption as is required, via email and/or telephone as is case specifically required…../ Negligence in regard to this on behalf of the PAO is considered grounds for Termination of the Pug Adoption Contract Agreement…../
[17] Finally all adoption dates, payments, preparations, travel arrangements, etc., are arranged & finalized between WTL and the PAO, we both proceed to the the Adoption according to the plans that have been mutually established… The PAO has the option of paying your final Pug Puppy Adoption balance either at any time up until (48) hours in advance prior to the actual Puppy Adoption/Transfer date via Pay Pal, or at the actual Pug Puppy Adoption in cash… There are no other options! Personal Checks, Bank Checks, Money Orders, Etc. are NOT accepted…
[18] WTL & the PAO meet normally at the WTL Pug Ranch, or another in between mutually beneficial already established location…../ You examine your Pug Puppy in person to your satisfaction, (remember it’s Health is already guaranteed in the Adoption Contracts that you have already received)…../ The hard copies of all of the Pug Puppy final draft Adoption Documents are mutually finalized, endorsed, & dispersed…../ A WTL properly trained representative, provides the PAO with appx. a (1-2) hour Pug Puppy Health Care dissertation and question/answer session as is case specific required…../ Any additional Final Misc. Documents are dispersed, Pug’s misc. care items are provided, etc. etc. etc.
The Pug Puppy from this point forward has now officially transferred ownership from WTL to you as the New Pug Adoptive Owner/s, and all of the responsibilities that are associated to properly care & provide for the Puppy with it accordingly…
From this point forward throughout your Pugs life, the current WTL family &/or our already established future family successors, in addition to the Comprehensive WTL Pug Health Informational Web Site, will be there for the post adoptive parents & our/your Pug Puppy for any assistance, guidance, free Health Care advice, etc. etc. etc. that you request…../
As a “Responsible Pug Breeder” WTL insists that if for any reason the PAO is not capable &/or willing to any longer provide our Pug with the adequate & proper necessities {shelter; nutrition; vetting; predator protection; humane treatment; exercise; Human socialism; mental & physical health care; etc} in order to maintain a long & healthy existence, that we be immediately notified via email in order that we may assist or take over by any means which we are then able to provide, especially in the area of properly re-homing &/or re-possession of the Pug as immediately as is required… PLEASE contact us first if you do not already have another properly qualified private family/friend Pug Caretaker that is readily available to take in the Pug… Should any WTL whelped Pug ever be found or heard of in any “Public Rescue” or in any other private dwelling in filthy or InHumane conditions, these shall be legal grounds for WTL to claim the Pug as “Stolen”, “Lost”, or “Abused” and with local authority, allow WTL complete rights without interference to immediately recover ownership of the Pug at the cost of the original PAO!!! Furthermore WTL insists that should the PAO need any of our further assistance &/or advice, (post adoption) as to any needs whatsoever regarding Pug, to please ask for it… Any/all assistance &/or advice that we can provide within reason via email &/or telephone is free of any additional fees for the life of our Pug.
During the progression of this whole process, the PAO is of course encouraged to contact us at anytime with any questions or concerns at: WALKTHELINEPUGRANCH@OUTLOOK.COM
Also please take advantage of the many educational any benefits provided by reading our web site: http://www.walkthelinepugranch.org/
Post Adoption, the PAO’S web site Membership & our 24/7 monitored Pug Health Care free assistance & advice line are lifetime free…../ In addition to all of the above pre-adoption procedures, all the rest of the adoption process details are provided in the actual Pug Adoption Contract & Health Guarantees themselves…../
This Concludes The Walk The Line Pug Ranch, “Pug Puppy Adoption Itinerary”
However, there is much more supporting information continued below…
Should You Have Any Additional Questions Please Let Us Know
Thank You!
Walk The Line Pug Ranch
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that due to the high priority of our 24/7 Animal Care Responsibilities, The often urgent nature of our Various Daily Correspondence’s, many other Daily Higher Livelihood Priorities of what we do, administration duties are of a lessor priority and are often delayed… This said, we try our best 24/7 to abide by all of the above administration timelines… However if delays are incurred, please be patient and rest assured that any delays are absolutely unavoidable and are most likely because we are doing our dedicated duty of taking care of Animals, perhaps Your Animal!!! Our Communications lines also remain open 24/7 to ease any of your concerns…
You can be best assured by WTL’S well learned comprehensive experience since “2000”, that we will provide a healthy quality Pure Breed Pug Puppy, which has been exceptionally well bred & provided the very best of Vet & General Health Care, Canine Nutrition, Shelter, Socialism with both Pugs & Humans (adults & children), etc. etc. etc…../ We take great pride in being the home of “The Pugs Of Distinction” & The Original Ancient Chinese Pure Breed Pug Heritage Preservationists…../ Our Dedication to “Responsible Pug Breeding” & to Pug Anatomy Studies, Pure Breed Quality, Breeding Method, and always providing the utmost of Vet Care, is unparalleled among any comparable Pug Breeders…../ In support of the above, we offer a (5-10) year Health & Congenital Guarantee on all of our Pug Puppys…../ We also maintain an impeccable reputation of being rated as the #1 Pug Breeder in New York State!!! The current WTL private family &/or our private family successors will always be there for the life of our/your Pug in order to support you however that we are able, especially in the areas concerning Pug Health & General Care, Nutrition, Anatomy, any potential onset of illness or disease Diagnosis, Prognosis, & best Treatment Advice/Assistance, etc. etc. etc…../
Throughout the whole breeding, whelping, post whelping, & weaning stages WTL provides the utmost in preventative & necessary care for the Dam and the litter…../ The Dam always gets a minimum of one pre-breeding & one pre-whelping Vet exam (additional if necessary), & she always gets a minimum of one post-whelping Vet exam including a safety x-ray exam (additional if necessary)…../ As is standard, the pups are Vet examined (including first puppy shot – {DAPPv} at appx. 8 weeks…../ In certain cases, earlier exams and/or shots are administered as is necessary…../ We try to keep the pups away from the Vets at early ages in order to prevent contracting anything contagious from there…../ The most deadly of “puppy killer viruses” Parvovirus can be picked up from infected Canine saliva, urine, feces, & it is even airborne and can be picked up from direct contact on human shoes & clothing…..! All of our pups that remain with us for whatever reason (after 8 weeks of age) get their 2nd puppy shot at 12 weeks and the last at one year from date of whelping…../ Our regimen after that (recommended by many of our Veterinary Mentors including Cornell University) is at three years from whelping & then every 3 years then after for life…../ NYS Rabies inoculations are administered by one of our licensed Veterinarians at the ages of 4 months old, 16 months from whelping, 52 months from whelping, and then every 3 years then after for life…../ We also during this whole early stages of life & weaning process, adamantly do not allow any non care-taking Humans and absolutely no other Animals to have any contact with our puppies, or our Dams, or our Dam/Puppy Nursery room…../ No one other than our Pug caretaker family members are ever allowed in the Nursery, nor can anyone else ever handle any of our puppies while they are still being cared for in the Nursery…../ This standard applies to all of our puppies up until they are at least (12-16) weeks of age at the conclusion of their puppy shots…../ The reasoning behind this is simply for disease prevention of our fragile young pups that are not yet fully inoculated & also in order to eliminate any unnecessary stress or disruption on the Dams and/or the puppies while they are within our “Kids Gloves” Nursery environment…../ Our Nursery is actually treated very much like a Hospital ICU and is also under 24/7/365 care & surveillance…../ The Dam is also kept apart from any other Pugs & Animals while in the Nursery, during later pregnancy through final weaning of the litter and all the way up until after (60-90) days post whelping in order to prevent any damage or rupture to the extremely fragile post whelping Dam’s Uterus…../ The Dam even has her own private segregated indoor & very sheltered semi heated outside potty/exercise area…../ Adoptive Parents are allowed to visit us at anytime allowing for the above conditions and the policies that are described in detail under the above web site browser tab labeled “Visitations”…../
In preparation for your Pug Puppy Adoption please visit the following browser tabs on our web site:
~Adoption Package~ ~Adoption Itinerary~ ~Visitations~
[Adoption Prep] [Pug Chow] [Pug Care]
[Potty Train] [Health & More]
===================================================================================================== *** PUG PUPPY HOLD POLICY ***
Puppy Hold Policy
Puppy Hold: All Of Our litters have a Tentative final adoption release date from birth, which is what we post on our web site as well as what we provide our pre-adoptive parents in pre-adoption contractual commitments? This is all based mostly on birth weight, minimum of a 4 # adoption departure weight, completion duration of the weaning process, completion of all standard Vetting procedures, weather forecast for adoption trip travel purposes, etc? The minimum age that we will release a litter for take home adoption is (63 days or 9 weeks post whelping)… Normally between the 6th – 8th week post whelping, we can make a final determination as to whether this date is practical or whether it may have to be postponed, for how long, & for what reason… Once we do actually Finalize an adoption release date, (which for mutual convenience will normally be on a weekend), it will be posted on our web site and all contracted adoptive parents will be notified in order that adoption pick ups can be arranged? Standard procedure is that if we are able to announce the final adoption release date at least (7) days in advance, then there would be a (3) day grace period? If we cannot provide the final adoption release date at least (7) days in advance for whatever reason, then there would be a (7) day grace period? Hence, either way there is a (10) day period that the PAO has in order to make all necessary adoption pick up arrangements? Should the PAO not manage the adoption pick up by this date for whatever unacceptable reason, then the ownership & boarding responsibilities of the pup will now be that of the PAO and any remaining balance that is due under the original adoption agreement must be remitted via Pay Pal within (24) hours? Should Walk The Line And the PAO mutually agree to an alternative date (case specific, and obviously unexpected short term emergencies are acceptable), then the new agreed to date will govern? If a new adoption date cannot be mutually agreed to then the original Final adoption release dates as described above will stand?
From this point forward, due to the liability that WTL is now under to care for the PAO?S Pup and all of the associated costs of general & health care, food, bedding, laundry, socialism, labor, etc? Walk The Line charges a $20 per day fee for this service. Included is our complete 24/7 constantly & safely monitored care, Taste Of The Wild Age Appropriate Chow, fresh water of course, weather monitored daily exercise & socialism, private bed/crate area which is always kept properly clean, on premise Very well trained General Pug Health Care & well learned private Veterinary care, etc… In the event of a Veterinary Emergency, WTL will act in whatever fashion that we feel is necessary in order to get the Pug to a case appropriate Veterinary Medical Center ASAP, which is of course based on the nature of the emergency… The Pug owners will be responsible for reimbursing WTL for the emergency Vetting fee within (24-48) hours after occurance… Any ongoing Vetting fees shall be the responsibility of the owner to handle directly with the Vetting Center that is involved or at your own Vetting Center, case specific… All above such accumulated boarding costs must be made sometime prior to the actual adoption date via Pay Pal or on the actual adoption pick up date via cash?
Walk The Line will also hold a Pug pup for a reasonable amount of predetermined time after the litters scheduled final adoption release date, in order to best enable the new Adoptive Parents to be properly prepared for the Pugs arrival… Examples are: home renovations, vacations, surprise Pug present special arrival date, transportation problems, time for scheduling off of work, weather, etc… The associated liability & boarding costs will be the same as are described above?
Walk The Line has our own very well learned & privately practiced non licensed basic Veterinary care on premise at most all times. We we can only provide this our own Pugs or PAO?S contracted for Pugs that are still boarding with us as a courtesy, for free of charge, with no consequence of any potential resulting liability to WTL whatsoever? A large portion of our Farmstead indoors & outdoors environment has been specifically & appropriately well built & safe as a proper Pug safe well socialized environment, however accidents can & still do happen!
WALK THE LINE PUG RANCH POST PUG ADOPTION SEND OFF NOTICEPlease note that from the adoption date/place/time going forward that you are now the sole responsible owner/s of your newly adopted Pug Puppy… But also please remember that Walk The Line Pug Ranch will always be there for the life of our/your new Pug in order to assist you in any free Pug Health care assistance, guidance, information as we are best able to provide, which we feel is in the Pugs best interests… We strongly recommend that you contact us at any time 24/7/365, post adoption for any free Pug Health care advice, assistance, questions, etc. in regards to our/your new Pug. We are also familiar with many Licensed Veterinary practices throughout the North East that we can refer you to should your Pug require any Emergency and/or long term Veterinary assistance…
WTL has been Studying Pug Genetics & General Veterinary Health Care, Providing Our Own Pugs General & Veterinary Pug Health Care, (in addition to our own privately hired NYS Licensed Veterinarians), Breeding, Whelping, Training, Private Pug Rescue, & otherwise working with most any/all General Pug beneficial practices in all aspects as we have been able to provide in order to benefit the “Pug Breed” for (14) years…
Please also remember that as we have already recommended in all of our previous various correspondence, to always now & in the future look to our comprehensive Pug Health Care Orientated Web Site as an invaluable source of Pug General Health Care & Beneficial Information… We are constantly adding to, expanding, and upgrading this information content as future beneficial changes arise… Pay particular attention to the following web site browser tabs: “Adoption Prep” , “Pug Care” , “Potty Train” , “Pug Chow” & “Health & More”…