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Walk The Line Pug Ranch
Our Web Site herein has been & is being constructed primarily to promote the overall health, welfare & proper care of the Pure Breed Pug…
To promote the preservation of The Ancient Chinese Pure Breed Pug Heritage…
To promote the strict practice of responsible Pure Pug Breeding methods, including; proper Dam & Sire Pre Breeding health & genetics testing & DNA matching…
The selective Adoption of Healthy Pugs into properly prepared & qualified Family Homes, whom in our opinion will provide the Pug an enriched life with above average loving care…
This we accomplish by posting Comprehensive Breeding, General, Historical, & most of all, proper Health Care Information on the Pure Pug Breed…
For those interested in The Walk The Line “Web Site Terms Of Service”, our “Web Site Privacy Policy”, &/or our “Disclaimer Notice” please click the U-tube (if interested) & then go directly below the U-tube for a brief introduction… Afterwards, click on the blue links which will then take you directly to the full version Pdf files or read directly on for the “Web Site Disclaimer Notice”…
Since everything is already explained thoroughly in the following (2) Pdf files containing Our “Web Site Privacy Policy” & Our “Terms Of Service Policy” & also in Our “Web Site Disclaimer Notice” below, we will not further dissertate here other than briefly two things:
1) If you are a legitimate person, Please be assured that any information you provide us with such as what is in the Pug Adoption & Web Site Membership Information Forms, etc., will be held in the strictest of confidence & not shared with anyone, unless you request us to do so for whatever reason. If you do apply with us for a potential Pug Adoption & for whatever reason an adoption does not come to fruition, any information that you have provided us will be purged from our system & destroyed within (30) days from the date of submission, in order to ensure the protection of your privacy & also to keep our web server system memory clear. If you join our web site as a free member, your information will be held confidentially within our server indefinitely unless you contact us & specifically request us to cancel your membership & purge your information.
2) If you are a spammer, infringing on our copyrights, duplicating our web site pics for any unauthorized use, exploiting our Pugs, other Animals, or any other web site content for any unlawful purpose, visiting or using our web site for any other defamatory purpose whatsoever, then please cease & desist your activity, & leave our web site immediately. Otherwise when we become aware, we will prosecute any harmful wrong doings fully within the means of the law.
Thank You!
We Are well experienced and studied in most all aspects of the PureBreed Pug… However, anything that we discuss on our web site, emails, telephone correspondence, etc. can only be considered as “Well Educated Free Advice” based on the compilation of our own studies & experience… WTL, nor any of our direct representatives are “Licensed Veterinarians” within any State of The United States Of America…
This document comprises the Terms of Use Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, and constitutes a legally binding Agreement between you, the visitor to our website, hereinafter referred to as the “Site”, and the owners and operators of this Site.
As a condition precedent to you being able to use any of the tools, functions and services provided to you by this Site, you must read and agree to be bound by each and every one of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Should you access any component of this Site, or use any tools, functions or services that this Site offers, register as a member, or view any text or graphics, such activities on your part means expressly that you have read this Agreement and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein. Should you not agree to be bound by each and every term and condition contained in this Agreement you must leave this Site at once.
Intellectual Property Provisions
All content provided within or via this Site is protected by various US and international copyright laws, patent laws, trademark regulations and laws, and various intellectual property laws and international treaties and agreements. No intellectual property of any nature contained within or via this Site may be copied, published, or broadcast in any way without the written permission of the content owner. The content of this Site may not be “framed” or “mirrored”. All trademarks presented on or via this Site are owned by their respective owners and may not be used by you in any way.
Product Liability Waiver
We do not manufacture any of the products mentioned or advertised on our site. All issues of merchantability, fitness of purpose, product liability and warranty are strictly between you as the purchaser and the manufacturer of the specific item involved. You agree to waive any and all such claims regarding this site and hold us harmless and to indemnify us from any such claims.
Disclaimer Regarding Functionality
All advise, suggestions, content, tools, functions and services provided via this Site are provided on an “as is” basis and this Site disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including those warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. Such disclaimers may be limited by the laws of your state, and if so limited, may not apply to you. No warranties of validity regarding any of the content provided herein this Site are made and the operators of this Site have not independently verified the validity of any of the content presented herein this Site. It is your duty to independently engage in due diligence to verify any and all claims, advice, information, and suggestions of any and all nature presented within this Site.
Special Disclaimer Regarding Content
Our site publishes a great deal of content in a wide variety of areas concerning pets. Some of the content may be generated by us and much of the content is provided by our many users, such as in our forum. No medical related content on our site, regardless of its originator, is meant to replace the advice of a trained, licensed veterinarian. For all medical issues regarding your pet, see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Limited License for Personal Use
You are not allowed to make any copy of the content of this Site by downloading such material to your personal computer. You may not reproduce any content provided by this Site. You may never use any of the content of this Site for a commercial enterprise or resell any content provided to you within this Site.
Termination of Service
We reserve the right to terminate any and all service provided to you at any time without notice for any reason we deem fit. We also reserve the right to discontinue any service or modify any service with no notice to you. If we terminate services to you, we will deactivate your account. We shall not be liable to you or any third party if we terminate your account and you agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us from any third party claims arising from the termination of your account. No refunds will be granted to you if we terminate your account. You agree that monetary damages may not adequately provide a remedy for us if you violate any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and you agree that we may approach a Court of Equity of competent jurisdiction for the purpose of obtaining Orders in Equity should you violate any element of this Agreement.
Prohibited Content and Conduct
You understand and agree that use of the Internet means that you are subject to the risk of receiving or viewing harmful offensive content and files. We do not promise that we are able to and will review and edit all content for safety, quality, accuracy, or decency that you encounter via our Site.
You may not:
Automatic Viewing or Usage of this Site
You may not use any automated scripts or “robots” to access, copy, or manipulate any content provided on this site. You may not engage in denial of service attacks upon the servers that publish this Site. You may not engage in any content that uses more than .01% of the hardware and software infrastructure of this Site.
Links to Third Party Sites
We may provide links to third party sites; however, we are not responsible for the content of such sites or their terms of use or privacy policies. Please carefully review the terms of service and privacy policies of all such sites prior to usage. You assume the risk of any usage of such third party sites. If we have linked to you and you wish us to remove the link, please do so. Any link by us to a third party is not an endorsement of that party.
All submissions (but not personal information) become the property of this Site. All submissions are non-confidential in nature. Submissions generally mean any posting that you have placed on our forum, but may be “letters to the editor” or other similar type of communications. We may publish all submissions in any manner that we deem to be appropriate, including in all forms of media and publication. You are solely responsible for the content of all submissions, including any violation of any law(s) contained within such submissions, copyright, privacy, fraud, and other laws and regulations. You agree to hold us harmless and defend us and indemnify us from any civil actions filed or threatened to be filed by any third party or entity who determines that your submissions supports a legal cause of action.
Limitation of Liability
We are not responsible for any damages arising from your use of this Site, or any tools, functions or services that this Site provides to you, whether the cause of action be based on tort, breach of contract, or any other legal theory, including punitive, actual, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or due to any cause of any nature. You agree to hold us harmless from any loss or harm of any nature due to your usage of this Site or any tool or service that we provide to you. You agree that you will never sue or cause this Site to be sued for any reason or any legal theory whatsoever. Should you file any lawsuit against us, you agree that damages will be limited to that precise amount of money that you have paid us for services rendered to you.
This Agreement, including all Disclaimers, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the United States Of America. Subject to the provisions of this Section all disputes, controversies or claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement will be resolved through mandatory binding arbitration conducted in the State of NY before an arbitration service provider agreed to by both or all parties to any potential dispute. If the parties fail to so select an arbitrator within thirty (30) days following the date of either party’s notice of demand to conduct arbitration, then Counsel for WTL will appoint an arbitrator. The award of the arbitrator will be in writing and will set forth findings of fact and conclusions of law. Judgment on the arbitrator’s award will be final and binding upon the parties and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
The arbitrator’s fees will be shared equally by the parties and each party will bear its own costs and attorneys’ fees. All papers, documents, or evidence, whether written or oral, filed with or presented in connection with the arbitration proceeding will be deemed by the parties and by the arbitrator to be confidential information of both parties. The arbitrator chosen in accordance with these provisions will not have the power to alter, amend or otherwise affect the terms of these arbitration provisions or the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section shall prevent either party from applying for and obtaining from a court a temporary restraining order and/or other injunctive relief. Any and all disputes regarding the content presented on this site must be resolved through arbitration as set forth in this section.
Foreign Usage
We make no representation that the usage of this Site, or the content provided herein, will not violate the laws of your local jurisdiction. You are responsible for the laws of your jurisdiction, especially if you are accessing this Site from outside the United States of America (USA). Unless otherwise stated, the contents of this site are published for the use and enjoyment of residents of the USA.
General Information
This Site may contain typographical errors or mistakes, and we disclaim any responsibility for such errors and you agree to hold us harmless from any legal responsibility for such errors.
We may revise or modify any portion of this Agreement at any time without notice to you. You must read this Agreement each time you visit our site or use any tool or service that we provide to you via this Site or elsewhere. Any usage of this Site or tools, functions or services that we provide you means that you have read the most current version of this Agreement and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the latest version of this Agreement.
We may post user guidelines or rules on our site. If we do publish such materials, they are hereby incorporated into this Agreement as if fully set forth herein.
Notices to you may be issued via electronic mail or by surface mail, at our sole selection.
Intellectual Property Notices
You agree that you have been suitably noticed of any trademark, trade dress, service mark, copyright, patent or any other intellectual property rights or property rights of any nature and any violation by you of any such property rights is fairly deemed to be “willful” in nature.
All product names, marks, logos, symbols, and company names are the property of their respective owners and subject to the protection of State, Federal and International laws and regulations..
Walk The Line Pug Ranch – (315) 317-9796 – Web Site: www.walkthelinepugranch.org